Survivor Fanon Wiki
"Mixing Oil And Water Never Works"
Survivor Finland
Season Survivor: Finland
Author User: jonghyun408
Episode Number 8/14
Date Uploaded January 21, 2016
Episode Chronology
Previous Someone Just Smashed The F5 Button
Next A Tornado Has Just Struck This Tribe

Mixing Oil And Water Never Works is the eighth episode of Survivor: Finland.

Previously On Survivor...[]

At Kuopio, Chris and Christine are on the outs, as they are discussing and trying to find a way to turn Kevin's alliance and Hailey against each other, while Hailey tells Chris and Christine that she will join their alliance and she will turn against Hailey, but Chris continues pushes the plan of voting out Hailey. At Vantaa, the two alliance continues to fight to gain control, as David and Jacalyn are both reached out by respective alliances to flip in their alliances, but both decided to stay with their original alliance, after, both tribes received a mail to pack their stuff, only to find that there is a fake merge, Vantaa won the reward challenge as Hailey had blew it for Kuopio, Christine was sent to Exile Island. At Vantaa, it was finally revealed that Carlos has hidden the existence of the idol at Vantaa's tribe back in Day 4, upsetting Simon mainly, as the idol search begins for the others. At Kuopio, Chris turned both alliance against each others, by telling both alliances that the other alliance is after them. At Exile Island, Christine decides to give up the idol search. At Vantaa, the idol search and the convincing of people continues but nothing is going far. At Kuopio, Chris successfully turned both alliances against each other as Hailey is after Kevin, Kevin's alliance is after Hailey. At the immunity challenge, Vantaa won immunity once again. Back at Kuopio, while Kevin's alliance tells Chris and Christine to vote Hailey, Hailey tries to counter by getting Chris and Christine in the alliance and trying to get John to flip, leaving Chris and Christine in the swing vote. Ultimately, Hailey's plan failed as she was voted off unanimously.

Jeff Probst: Hailey, the tribe has spoken.

11 remain, who will be voted off tonight?


Reward Challenge: Shoulder The Load

Three members (two men and one woman) from each tribe will have a pole across their shoulders. Each round, weight (20 lbs.) will be added to each pole. The decision about which tribe member gets the weight will be made by the other tribe. When the weight becomes too much to bear, the tribe member will drop the pole and be out of the challenge. Last person left standing wins reward for their tribe.

Reward: Tribe raid, the winning tribe can send 2 people to the losing tribe and steal two items for the losing tribe, also, letters from home.

Winner: Vantaa

Immunity Challenge: Platform Balls

Four tribe members will each hold one rope, which is all connecting to one corner of a small board, the four tribe members will have to navigate a ball through the obstacle course, when the ball falls on the ground, they will have to start from that checkpoint again, once all three balls are successfully bought to the end, the last tribe member will take the ball and throw it to knock over 5 poles, first tribe to knock over all their poles wins immunity.

Winner: Kuopio


Night 19[]

The camera shows the Kuopio tribe coming back from Tribal Council.

Luna:(to Chris) Thanks for the help guys.

Chris: Your welcome.

Tonight, in a very tough choice, I chose the easy way of sending Hailey home. I know that people will probably scream at me saying that I am down in numbers 3-2, but then, if Hailey was still here, she might turn back against us, judging the person she is, also, we are likely going to lose the next immunity challenge if she is here. Witk Kevin, our tribe can become stronger and I can be safe if we win the next immunity. But, I am ot giving up into making merge, I might throw Christine under the bus too if I need to.


Luna: Well, us 5 strong right? I mean, with her gone, we are all one right?

Christine: Yeah, girl, us 5 till merge looks good enough.

John, Kevin nods.

I chose to stick to Kevin and Luna's plan, and I decided that I am risking rocks, as I can't imagine what I will be without a leader, and that is what I will do to an alliance, and that is what I am going to from the start and from the end too.


The camera shows Chris and Christine.

Christine: You sure we did the right move? I mean, right now, those 3 are tight man.

Chris: I know, but look, had we side with Hailey, we are guarantee going to lose te next immunity challenge if Kevin is really out, and she might turn back against us, like she totally can do it.

Christine: I know, so we are just putting our life all in risk of the next immunity?

Chris: Well, I will try to dig in that alliance more, but that needs time.

Christine :Ok, as long as we make merge and regroup Kuopio.

Chris nods.

I don't really know if Chris and I made the right move, right now, both of us are in danger, but I seriously hope we can dig into that alliance, I might need to try and do something, but for now, I am lost, maybe we should have kept Hailey....


Chris: Just keep this up ok? We are going to get out of this.

Christine nods as the rest of the Kuopio goes to sleep.

Day 20[]

The camera shows that it is raining heavily at the night, after it shows the rain stop and the Vantaa tribe as the entire tribe is working together.

Tracy:(getting up) Good morning guys, time to fix all this mess, so <expletive> cold last night.

Andrew:(rubbing his body) Jeez, so cold, I never even faced that cold of a weather in Hong Kong.

The weather is starting to take the way right now, back before, the climate at Finland was about the same as Hong Kong, like I just moved a few years ago so I am still used to Hong Kong's climate, but all a sudden, it is kinda cold, like around 18 degrees, and I can never bare the cold, and gosh, (rubs his arms) I need to keep myself warm or I will get frozen.


Jacalyn: Hong Kong has a warm climate eh?

Andrew: Yeah, and it hardly goes under 18 degrees.

David: 18 degrees? That is so cold man! Now is definitely higher than 18 degrees.

Andrew:(confused) Wait what? This is around 18 degrees.

Ashley: You are talking about Celsius right?

Andrew: Oh, (chuckles at himself) I forgot you guys use Fahrenheit.

They laugh, as Simon and Tracy can be seen working at the side, not talking to them.

You know, it is kinda weird the fact that David is still working to Simon and Tracy, when in fact, those two don't really fit in the tribe, like those two hardly chat with us, but well, so far, the fight between the alliances, and it looks life the deadlocked alliance style is just going to go as deep as this tribe goes until merge.


Afterwards, the camera shows David as he is fishing and he is starting to catch fish.

David:(pulling a fish up) Woohoo!

David can be seen pulling up fish as he is cheering on himself.

I love being out here man, it is fun to be here, and practically, I love being in the wild, like I can actually be a real survivor here, of course, there is still the game you have to deal with, but still, an experience in the wild is what I need and what I love.


After, Simon and Tracy are together, as they talk.

Simon: Now where did David went? We were supposed to talk here.

David:(sliding down the tree) I am here.

Tracy:(surprised) Woah, ok, lets talk.

With the merge coming next, I am starting to find who might be sketchy, and I personally find David sketchy as he is fun, he is enjoying the outline here, but personally, he could possibly be hiding his true self behind all this 'fun' guy we see, but then, at merge, we don't really have anyone, so we won't have a choice anyway.


Simon: So, we still need to dig our way in that alliance obviously.

David: Yup.

Simon: What will be our plans when we merge?

Tracy: I don't know.

David: Don't you have your previous tribe members on the other tribe?

Tracy: We aren't really that tight with them, but we are definitely going to them.

David: I got Christine, and it will be us 4 at merge.

Simon: Ok, how are we breaking those 3 up?

Tracy: Jacalyn ain't doing it, Ashley and Andrew a re a pair....

David:(laughs) No ways, the only way out is rocks.

Simon: Can't believe it actually came down to that.

Today, our alliance had an actual discussion of how to break the alliance, and we found out, there are no ways. Jesh, that Andrew really allied with some good people. Looks like things will come down to rocks, and I am totally up for that if that is what we need to risk.


Tracy: Can't believe we are risking this on luck.... I am not a fan of that to be honest.

David: None of us are, if they won't break, that is what it comes down to.

Tracy: I guess.

I have never really been a huge fan of rocks, I mean, if it is risking for my closest ally, I will do it, but David isn't really someone I would qualify as my closest ally, and I don't know if I would be willing to do rocks if it is deadlocked.


Simon: Idol search again, I guess.

David: Man, I guess it isn't really located on this island, eh?

As he says that, the camera moves to the other end of the forest, and shows two trees that twist and curl together, and the ground flashes, signaling the idol is there, then the camera moves to Andrew, Ashley and Jacalyn.

Jacalyn: What's up next? This stalemate has been here when we entered this tribe.

Ashley: And we can't find the idol, who knows how big the forest is?

Andrew: Like, David for some reason just won't turn against us, and this sucks.

Jacalyn: One more week to merge, if we win this, we are fine.

Andrew: Yeah, I guess this is the end of the strategy talk.

There is literally no talking strategy as it has been the same kind of people, and the same kind of strategy talk over and over that we don't even bother to repeat the same thing over and over, so we just gave up in talking right now.(laughs)


Ashley :Lets just have some fun here around, I mean, we know the alliances are deadlocked, and no matter how we talk, things aren't going to change.

Jacalyn: Yeah, lets forget about this mess and go back to camp!

For the first time in a while, I actually don't know what to do man, our alliance is deadlocked. Well, I do have a plan, if convincing David doesn't work, we can do it the other way round and get rid of David, but that us just- I don't know, that plan will be insane and it causes a lot of fireworks, I don't know if that is really the best plan, like it would spark a lot of fireworks and I don't even know if that would work, I guess I am going need to bank this idea, for now.


The three nod, as they start cracking jokes when they start to head back to camp, afterwards, the camera shows all the Vantaa tribe members in camp, as they are cooking rice, as Simon is the one cooking it.

Simon: Well, we only got rice today.

At the moment, David can be seen running back with fish.

David: Whats up man, I got fish for you guys.

Ashley :Sweet! I can't believe it, we are so living functionally!

Andrew :Yup, I sure know right? We haven't really lost so far.

David: Come on man, lets have a meal, we are merging in a few days.

Simon:(rationing the rice) Hold on, a big portion coming this time.

Andrew:(seeing the amount of rice) Er... are you putting too much rice for us?

Simon: This is fine bro.

Andrew: Er... but we still have a few days, with around 10-12 more meals and you put like 15% of the rice in?

Simon: You want to try and do the ration then?

Andrew: Me? (laughs) No, I never did these kind of things and I would just screw everything up.

Simon can be seemed a bit annoyed.

Andrew: I don't really feel comfortable of having this much rice.

Simon: It will be fine when we get to it, we still have rewards, plus, we have a food catcher in here, so this rice supply is enough.

Andrew shrugs and he doesn't say anything more as Jacalyn also goes and help Simon in rice rationing.

If there is one other thing I dislike about Andrew, is how immature or how childish he can be, like seriously? You don't do food rationing at home and you come out here? I am amazed to see him survive out the elements judging on him today, and he tried to reason with me of rice rationing, which he clearly didn't, jesh. I mean, I am glad this didn't turn out a fight, as he isn't the kind of people Carlos claimed him to be, but still, I doubt I want to bring him far in the game.


The camera then shows all of them having meal.

Jacalyn:(jokingly) This tribe's fight will never end eh?

Tracy:(joking back) No it won't.

Simon: We will kill you guys, let me tell with you.

David: We are going to slay this tribe.

Ashley:(smiling) We will see about that.

Man, this is tense, this tribe is completely deadlocked, and while we were smiling when we were talking, we both know that this tribe is currently deadlocked and really, I hope this deadlocked issue won't continue, it is kinda driving me on the edge. (laughs)


The camera then moves on to Kuopio tribe.

John:(getting up) A day up for a hard work.

Chris is getting up as the entire tribe start working, and it shows them working well together.

Christine: Who is going to do the wood duty today?

John: I am gonna do it today.

Chris: I am going to catch fish, lets make a fish meal later,

Luna: Sure guys, I can't wait, lets be a happier tribe now!

Chris:(chuckles) Yeah man.

They all laugh as they began their work.

This tribe looks peaceful in hind sight, but I still remember that I am at the bottom of this tribe, and me and Christine are all the way in the bottom, I still need to find a way to fight out of all this mess, other wise, well, haha, literally, the moment John flipped, I am in danger, it really was just a choice between Hailey and Kevin, as Hailey will flip back anyways. (breaths deeply) Now, my only hope is that they will vote off Christine, not me.


Chris, John and Kevin walk together as they began to chat.

Kevin: How is the game going on now, now Hailey is out of here, are you doing fine?

Chris: Yeah, I am doing fine here, we voted him out, we need to start winning challenges, like for real.

Kevin :I know right, it sucked face that so far we hardly won a challenge.

John: I know, well, the people on their tribe is stronger, but we can still fight back right?

Chris: Yup we still can.

In order to stay alive in this game, I realize that I need to fight my way to merge, so Kevin is sort of my pal in this game, and I can sort of try to sway him in to voting Christine, if that doesn't work, god bless me. But I need to be careful, if I sound too eager, then he might turn the vote against me too.


Chris: So, uh, how is the strategic game going?

John: Well, obviously, we only have 5 people left in this tribe and then-

Kevin: Not a lot of strategy, who do you have in mind.

Chris: I don't know for you, if we somehow lose, which I really hope it won't happen, I am going to go for Christine.

John:(surprised) You are going for Christine?

Chris: Yeah, she kinda have a few allies from our original tribe, so if that is really what comes down to, I am going for her.

Kevin: Ok, cool.

It is obvious what Chris is trying to do, he thinks he is on the chopping block, so he is trying to push Christine under the bus in order to stay alive, and I have to respect that, right now, our alliance hasn't really decided on who to vote off, and things like these are going to take an extremely long time to decide.


John can be seen watching.

Seeing back, I guess Chris is trying to save himself obviously, and I kinda feel bad. I still remember a few days back, when I came in, and I am not sure what I should do, whether to stay in the Kuopio tribe or flip to Vantaa, and now, I find myself as a top dog here, I saved myself, if we go towards Tribal Council, he might go home, and it sucked as I did mention I might possibly flip, just, can this game be less cutthroat?(breaths loudly)


After we see John, Kevin and Luna together.

Luna:(listening to the whole conversation) It does seems like Chris is trying to save himself.

John: Yeah, he is trying hard, he knows he is in the bottom.

Kevin: Yeah, they didn't want to risk a rock draw, but then, now we can vote them out.

Luna: Sadly, yeah, we have to do it next time, it just depends whether we vote for Chris or Christine.

Kevin: It sucks either way, honestly, I would like to keep Chris for camp life, but then, he is a bigger threat from what I see now.

Luna: Yeah, Christine might be the tribe leader, but well, she is no threat in terms of challenges or strategy, no offense to her.

John:Nah, she didn't really exactly do a great job in leading back at Kuopio.

Kevin: So we are doing Chris?

John:(shrugs) I don't know, if that is what you guys agree with.

Luna: Yeah, we will do it I guess.

Kevin: Ok, sucks either way. Anyway, I can't believe we are merging in days!

Luna: I know, it was one hell of a ride!

I can't believe that merge is actually coming to us in a few days, like I was just this swimmer and now all a sudden I am making merge, like coming here, I just hoped to make friends and go as far as I can with all the social game I got, and I am happy that it is working, well, so far.


Afterwards, the camera shows Chris and Christine.

Christine: What are the plans for us at the future? Like, obviously, we are down in numbers.

Chris:I had tried talking to Kevin, but honestly, I don't know if it is going to work or not, but I am starting to talk to John, and I legitimately hope it works.

Christine: But you did talk to John at the start right? I thought that he isn't up for that.

Chris:(shrugs) Well, it looks like we don't have any options anyway, I mean, we chose to not risk rocks, this is the consequences, and it is up to us to fight out of this mess, I am going to try and talk to John later, you wanna join me?

Christine: I guess.

Things so far surely isn't looking good for me, ever since we had chose to voted out Hailey, I am like in the bottom for real, like at before, I still have Hailey to reach out to flip, but for now, I only have a tight three people alliance who has been together since we switched tribe, and I am at the bottom, but I don't really have an idea how to bust out of this mess this time, I hope Chris can save me, really, I can only trust him.


Afterwards, the camera shows Chris, Christine and John.

Christine: So, remember when we were back in Kuopio tribe?

John: I remember.

Christine': Things were so good back then, still remember when we held a surprise party for Ashley?

John:(laughs a bit) Yeah, and she cried when we did that fir her.

Chris: It sucks that I wasn't there, you guys seemed to have a fun time.

Christine: Yeah, such good times it were, wished we can stay together.

John:I know, but well, I made my choice, and that is well, what I chose.

Chris: Kinda wished we could have stayed together.

Christine: Yeah, as I said, we hope you would come back and join us, as we are always open for you.

John: Well.... ok, I guess?

Chris: Just remember, you ain't going far if you just stick to them.

John: Er.... ok, thanks for letting me know.

At that time, Kevin and Luna are seen coming back, and they remain quiet, then the camera cuts into John's confessional.

Gosh, they are continue making me feel bad, I know it is my decision, but then I still feel bad, I guess I am really not suitable for this game, I really don't. Sucker mucker, (laughs) I really hope we won't go to Tribal next, like I know I am sticking with Kevin and Luna for good, but still, I will just disappoint them.


Kevin: And we are back, lets try to win the next reward and immunity challenge.

Luna: Yeah, you are all awesome people, and it sucks that we can hardly enjoy our wins together!

Christine: You are the awesome people around here man, I have never seen someone as cheerful as you.

Luna: This is just me I guess, come on guys, all 5 of us are a happy family here.

The rest nod.

Kevin: I can totally see the 5 of us rule it at merge, I mean, I can totally see us 5 being the final 5.

Chris can be seen a bit surprised.

Luna: Who is up for this?

Christine and John raises their hands, Chris hesitates, but also raises his hand.

Luna: Ok, come on guys, lets yell final five.

Together:(loudly) Final 5!

Kevin pushed the final 5 deal there, and I might be close with him, but today also shows how dangerous Kevin and Luna are, Luna is like this cheerful girl that everyone likes, so she has a good social game like from the start, Kevin is kinda strategic and can throw you up will all this stuff, I need to look out to them at merge, my relation to them is only non-game wised and I don't think I will be sticking to that deal. (smiles)


The camera switches off.

Day 21[]

The camera shows both tribes walking in the challenge arena.

Jeff Probst: Vantaa, getting your look at the new Kuopio tribe, Hailey voted out at last Tribal Council.

The Vantaa tribe are surprised that a former Vantaa tribe member is voted out, Andrew smiles a bit seeing that Hailey is out, Simon shakes his head grumpily.

And.... that has to happen, I was looking forward to reunite with Hailey at merge, and she how she blends in on the new tribe, and now it is officially out of the window, and I need to stick with Tracy forever.


Jeff Probst: You guys ready for today's reward challenge?

Castaways: Yes!

Jeff Probst goes on to explain the challenge.

Jeff Probst: The winning tribe can send two members to the losing tribe, and perform a tribe raid.

Everyone gasps.

Jeff Probst: They are allowed to steal two items from the losing tribe, also, the winning tribe can send someone from the losing tribe to Exile Island.

The castaways nod.

Jeff Probst: Ok, Vantaa, you are one member up, you have to sit someone out, who's it gonna be?

Tracy: I will.

Jeff Probst: Tracy, take a spot at the sit-out bench, for the rest of you, lets gets started.

Loaders Weight Bearers Sit-Outs
Christine Orr
John Mccarthy
Chris Cotton
Kevin Small
Luna Gibbs
Andrew Ng
Ashley Smith
David Lynn
Jacalyn Salas
Simon Paul
Tracy Morrow

Jeff Probst: Alright, both tribes loaders select who to start to choose the weight.

Andrew and Ashley decides to choose Chris, as Christine and John chose to load the weight on David, then we sees that Chris and David both look stable despite with 20 pounds, after, the Vantaa tribe chose to add the weight on Kevin while the Kuopio tribe add the weight to Simon, for the third round, both women received the tribe weight as each person now has 20 pounds. The camera then speeds up and we can see various weight added on the castaways, after, we stops at a moment where David is holding 160 pounds, Simon is holding 120 pounds, Jacalyn is holding 80 pounds for Vantaa. At Kuopio, Chris is holding 160 pounds, Kevin is holding 140 pounds, Luna is holding 60 pounds. David and Simon can be seen hodling strong, Chris is slightly struggling, Kevin also, Jacalyn is seen holding strong while Luna can be seen struggling a bit too.

Jeff Probst: Both tribes, decide on who you will add the weight on next.

Vantaa goes and add the weight on Chris while Kuopio adds the weight on David, bringing the weight on both men up to 180 pounds, Chris slightly moves a bit while David shows his first sigh of struggle. Afterwards, Vantaa adds the weight on Kevin, bringing him up to 160 pounds, Kuopio adds the weight on to David, bringing his weight up to 200 pounds, David is sweating hard, but he can be seen fighting hard, Luna shows her sign of struggle again. Seeing it, at the next round, Andrew and Ashley adds the weight on Luna instead, and Luna can be seen shaking holding 80 pounds, she closes her eyes, pain can be seen on her face, for Kuopio, they decide to add the weight on Simon to even up the amount of weight everyone has, Simon can be seen struggling as he is adjusting his weight. The weight holders are still holding strong, at the next round, Vantaa adds weight on Chris who is up to 200 pounds, Kuopio adds weight to David and he is up to 220 pounds, Chris and David are both struggling, David can be seen biting his lip hard to divert the pain, Chris closes his eyes and stare at the sky, Jeff Probst makes note at how David is about to tie the record of most weight held, set by Brandon and Jim. David and Chris are wobbling hard, Luna struggles once again, Kevin is holding strong. For the next round, both tribes add weight on Chris and David, the moment weight is added, Chris drop out, mubling. John and. Christine applaud as the Vantaa tribe cheers, David is wobbling hard once again and he stood out, can't stand the pain. The Vantaa tribe applaud for him too. It leaves Simon and Jacalyn for Vantaa, Kevin and Luna for Kuopio. For the next round, weight are added on both men, Simon is shaking and screaming in pain, Kevin is sweating and moving around, Jacalyn is holding strong, Luna is struggling a bit. Seeing that, both women received the weight to even things, Jacalyn is struggling a bit, Luna is seen wobbling back and forth and she drops out at 100 pounds, the Vantaa tribe cheers in relief, the Kuopio tribe cheers Kevin on. Kevin receives weight next while the Kuopio tribe adds weight on Simon. Both men are struggling and wobbling hard, sweat appears know both men, Simon, having enough, drops out, but Kevin drops out a few seconds later.

Jeff Probst: And thats it! Jacalyn wins reward for the Vantaa tribe!

The Vantaa tribe runs out, celebrating their win, they are all cheering, and happy as the Kuopio tribe are unhappy they will have a camp raid.

Jeff Probst: Vantaa tribe, congratulations, who from Kuopio will you send to Exile Island?

The Vantaa tribe begins to discuss.

Jacalyn: We will send Luna, Jeff.

Jeff Probst: Luna, please come over here, (throws map to her) this is.the map to Exile Island.

Jeff Probst: Now, Vantaa, which two people will you go for a camp raid?

Jacalyn: Me and Simon.

Jeff Probst: Ok, Simon and Jacalyn, you can go over to thr Kuopio tribe and stay there for one hour, then you will pick two items and come back to the Vantaa tribe.

Simon and Jacalyn nods.

Jeff Probst: With that, you can all head back to camp.

When I heard tribe raid, I decide that I am going there, so I can learn the dynamics over that side, and see how Chris is doing there, because merge is next, I need to gather as much useful information as possible.


Everyone leaves, the camera features the Kuopio tribe.

John: And well, welcome to the camp.

We lost today... again, so far we only got one out of five challenges, and that sucks massively, more worse, we are going to suffer from a tribe raid, where they are going to steal two items from us, and whatever it is, it can't be good, (sighs) this sucks.


Simon: So this is the Kuopio camp? Looks good enough with all these comfort items.

Chris:(jokingly) Please spare us some mercy.

Jacalyn: We sure will. (laughs)

Seeing Jacalyn stepping in here, I am glad. We had been close at the original Kuopio tribe, the swap has split us apart, but I am definitely going to work with her and whoever she has on the other end.


Simon: Ok, lets split up, we both know we want to talk.

The others nods as they split up, the camera shows Chris, Jacalyn and Christine.

Chris: And here goes the Osuchi meeting.

The others chuckle.

Chris: So, I think after merge, us Osuchi should all regroup, do you guys agree?

Jacalyn: Definitely, like now, the Vantaa tribe members are all sticking together now, like they went to regroup.

Chris:(nods) I definitely agree, John flipped away from us if you didn't notice, and the both of us are in the bottom.

Jacalyn: Ok, we should secure majority if we hit merge, Andrew from the other tribe wants to work with us.

Chris: Anyway, us 6 together at merge, Christine, you up?

Christine :Yeah, pretty much, I will just do it the way David will.

Jacalyn:(worriedly) Ok.

Jacalyn shoots an eyesight to Chris, which points it towards Christine, seeing it, Chris nods.

I am kind of worried of Christine, she seems like she would do whatever David will tell her to, and David is on the other alliance at the tribe, but I am not going to tell her, if David and Christine reunite at merge, Christine will be gone with David, and that is highly dangerous.


After, the camera shows, Kevin, Simon and John.

Kevin: Letting you know, John now flipped to our side.

Simon: Ok.... welcome on board, letting you know, Andrew obviously flipped away from us, that prick, David joined us at that end.

John: So what happens if we get merge?

Kevin: Honestly, I feel like the Vantaa tribe should reunite, the 5 of us, David said he has Christine, and we got at least 7 people.

Simon: Cool, all 3 of us make merge, and we are cool.

Kevin nods.

Having Simon here more or less helps a bit, he told me about the Vantaa tribe's dynamics, and I know exactly what would be the plan at merge too, and I am glad about it, because with the swap, the merge is going to be crazy.


Kevin: Wait a minute, so are you saying that so far, the alliances are split 3-3 between your tribe?

Simon: Yes it is, I have tried to crack the alliance and get them to vote against each other, but they are dead solid, and we are dead solid.

Kevin: You want to risk rocks if you guys lose next?

John :Er.... that is not a good idea.

Simon: I don't know, if that is what it takes.

Kevin: Well, that's your choice, but remember, I hope the 5 of us, with Tracy and Luna, will be the final 5.

Simon:(nods) Ok.

Right now, I can't believe how good of a game I am going up to, I mean, I flipped, and I get to see who is on the other tribe, I like how my game is going, right now, I don't see I am going hone soon, and when coming in, I don't really have a lot of confidence in myself, but now, I am gaining confidence by playing this game.


Afterwards, the camera cuts to main camp, as Jacalyn and Simon are discussing what to take, and later, they took a bag of rice and they took the blanket, as they says farewell to the other tribe, leaving Chris, Christine, John and Kevin.

Kevin: And they are gone, leaving us alone.

Christine: Boring day coming up...

Honestly, as much as Jacalyn and Simon came to camp for a short time where we get to strategize for a bit, still, it doesn't hide the fact that we just lost the challenge and we are left with the four of us, and Luna isn't even here, I swear this tribe is on its weakest toll right now, and we are going down.


Chris: I know right? There are only 4 of us here, and Luna isn't even here.

Christine:(sighing) At this rate, we aren't even go to win the challenge tommorow.

Kevin: Woah, woah, don't say such thing.

John: Yeah, be positive.

Christine: But what can we do? We only won 1 out of 5 challenges, and like we lost a bag of rice and we lost our blanket! We are just going to be weaker!

Kevin: Well...

We lost the reward challenge, and we are obvious upset. I mean, some of the emotional got washed away by the raid and two people coming to our tribe, but Christine got upset of how down our new tribe are, which I understand, since I had to face the same problem before the swap, such emotion won't help us to win, but like I don't know how to make her snap out of it, oh no.


John: Look man, we should really snap out of this. I mean, we are all currently in a bad position, but I don't think being negative is going to help us out. I mean, us being negative is just going to make things more worse, like us being negative on this way won't magically win us the immunity challenge tomorrow right? I mean we don't want to lose the immunity challenge obviously, but if we act like this, we are walking towards the road of doom for tomorrow, we are in the bottom right?

Christine: Well, in terms of challenges, then we are kinda in a huge problem and the bottom of challenges.

John: We should fight back and stop this if that is the case right? Instead of being negative, there is something else that we should do, be positive and win.

Chris: I agree. In fact, we should all chill out for the day and actually be in the wild and reduce some of the strategy, though we can still talk, but we should all stay positive and boost our morale.

John: When we are hit, we are down, we fight back right? This is how you do in the kitchen, we don't fall apart just because we had negative reviews once, so the same should be applied here, we shouldn't fall just because we lost.

Christine: Yeah, I guess, so lets all relax and stay strong.

Chris: Sucks that the axis of positive is on Exile...

Kevin: That is their strategy right? Still, we need to do better than them right, we aren't nothing without her!

Chris nods.

Today, our tribe's morale slightly went down, or to name it clearly, Christine's morale became down, and I am glad that John managed to coach us a bit back, because Luna uses to make us laugh, but she got sent to Exile Island, and I guess without her, that made our tribe's morale go down, it is going to get to worse. Honestly, I know that I am in the bottom of this tribe, but I am fine if we give up strategy, because hey, my main goal is to win the challenge, not losing and scrambling.


The camera speeds through the next of the day as the people are seen chilling around, Chris and Christine had one last talk.

Chris: A quick talk of strategy? Real quick.

Christine :Yeah, I am trying to stay positive here.

Chris: You should, stay positive man, just think we can win, we can win. Also, think the same thing, we cam escape from this mess.

Christine :How?

Chris: I talked to John, he said he is considering it.

Christine: Cool! I can't believe you actually did it!

Chris smiles a bit, trying to hide the fact that he pushed her under the bus.

Chris: Ok, I won't talk much more, we need to relax and stay strong.

Christine nods as they head to camp as they are chilling at camp.

I said this before, I will say this again, Chris is also cool. My closest ally used to be David, he is a cool guy and fun guy, now I am talking to Chris, I realize he is smart, and he is nice to speak with, and he is also another person I would like to work with at merge, if I make merge, I will definitely reunite with those two.


The camera shows the Vantaa tribe as we can see Simon and Jacalyn already returned to camp.

Ashley: Welcome back guys! How is the raid?

Jacalyn: (placing a bag of rice) Here is it.

Ashley: You got more rice? Yay! Our supply is short, we can have better meals!

Simon:(pulling blanket out) And I got us some blankets!

Ashley cheers as the rest of the tribe hug and cheer.

This tribe currently is really doing good man, let me tell you. I am so glad and proud of myself when I managed to hold a record of 240 pounds in the reward challenge, and this shows how capable I am. On the other hand, I still need to make merge, with one challenge left till merge, I am proud of myself, once I make merge, I am going to be fun and strategic at the same time, for now, I am just letting my fun character play me.


David: I am cooking this, good meal for us guys!

Andrew: Yup, a good meal for us.

David: I am going to head down the river for some fish, see you later guys! Sallute!

David marches away.

Andrew: So how is the other tribe's camp?

Simon: Well, their camp is not good at us, we have an hour to decide on what to take and yeah, it really isn't interesting, but I am glad I can kill some time there, unlike here.

Jacalyn: Jeez, Simon...

Simon: Anyway, that was what it is all about the visit.

Ashley: Well.... uh, shall we cook the rice now?

Simon: If you want, but obviously man, we still need to eat!

Tracy: Lets just cook other than sitting here doing nothing.

And.... Simon has to be as grumpy as he always is. Andrew told me that he has been grumpy ever since that Carlos guy got voted out, and he is pretty much ruining his social game. Now getting to the game, I just had massive information at my time on Kuopio, and I need to discuss about this, this is too crazy. Now talking, I have massive plans for merge.


Tracy began to cook the rice, Andrew and Jacalyn leaves for wood, Ashley joins them later.

Jacalyn: Look man, something happened on my visit.

Andrew: Yeah?

Jacalyn: We were given one hour at Kuopio, and I had a chance to talk strategy.

Ashley:(surprised) Really?

Jacalyn: Yeah.

Andrew: Who did you talk to? Is it someone I haven't met before?

Jacalyn:(smiles) It is someone you have never met before, anyway, what I want to say is, I talked to Chris and Christine and I learned about the tribe. John flipped apparently, but at merge, we are going to reunite with Chris and Christine, there will be 5 of us, they did say that they will try and convince the other three to join us, but if the rate continues, it will be us 5 at merge and we can open up our plans.

Andrew: Only 5? We need one more.

Ashley: But David and John flipped away and joined your tribe.

Jacalyn: I mean, having 5 at first is pretty much a good rate, we can work on the details later, I am just letting you know we have Chris and Christine at merge, David is close with Christine but I don't know about David.

Andrew: Ok, I am fine with doing that honestly, I can't wait to see what kind of people they are.

Ashley: They are doing fine right?

Andrew: I don't think in terms of game they are doing good? Did Jacalyn just said that the other three are working together?

Ashley: Oh...

Jacalyn: Hold on, Andrew, like now, we have the cross-alliance of us 5, an alliance of John, Kevin and Luna, one of Simon, Tracy, David. Is it possible that they combined into a larger alliance.

Andrew: They didn't really talk to each other, I mean, they have interactions and stuff, they weren't really close. However, did they talk while you are there?

Jacalyn: They did.

Ashley: They definitely are working together then, which means it is 6 to 5.

The raid today kinda switched things up, despite only for an hour, we got to learn about the other tribe's dynamics, and despite we are still in tribes, basically I guess we are divided into 2 major alliances of 5? Honestly, I am not 100% sure about that one, honestly, the merge next is going to be way too chaotic.


Jacalyn: Or we think it is, anyway, I don't know, we will deal with that later.

Andrew and Ashley mods, later Simon and Tracy are together.

Simon:..... So here is what happened.

Tracy: Oh man, well, we weren't really close to Kevin and Luna back in Vantaa, but I don't think we have a choice anyway.

Simon: Yop, Jacalyn went to talk to Chris and Christine, so you know where this is heading to right?

Tracy nods.

Simon: Anyway, it will be me, you, Kevin, John and Luna at merge, Christine and David are the affiliates.

Tracy: Well... There is one thing I am worried about. What happens if Christine and David won't be with us at merge? I mean, if you don't take account of Christine and David, there will be 5 of us, 4 of them. Christine is with them, I guess, David is with us, while those two are tight, so they are swing votes at merge, and I am not liking when this is doing.

Simon: Yup, then what do you want anyway? This is how alliances are going right?

Tracy: Yeah, hopefully we can take one of them out before merge.

Simon: Yup.

Merge is coming next, merge is usually when people make moves, and it is really important to keep all the numbers together at merge, if you are not at least 90% sure that a certain person will vote with you, you can assume they are not with you, and that is well, currently I don't really trust anyone, except (laughs) maybe Simon, Kevin or Luna I guess..., Kevin and Luna tried allying me so maybe I can trust them. Gosh, only 4 people I can fully trust out of the 6.(laughs)


David can be seen returning as he meets up with them.

David: Sorry, I had a little fun out there, missed the meeting, (laughs).

Simon: Ok, he is what happened.....

Simon goes on and explains everything, when David heard that Christine was allied with Chris and Christine, he showed a sign of worry and shock, Simon doesn't see it, but Tracy saw it.

David:(controlling his facial expression) So it will be us 7 at merge?

Simon:(ds) Yeah, us 7 against those 3.

David: Ok, sure!

I am not happy hearing the news. What news? The news that Christine is allied with Chris man! I am not liking it, and let me tell you, I am 50% sure that they are not going to bring Christine in and they are just going to ally with me and cut her off without notifying me, well, I am a bit too paranoid, but still, hearing that she is not in the alliance they want to ally with is still not a good thing to hear.


Today, when Simon was giving his speech, I saw David has a worried face, which probably means that he has a bigger loyal towards Christine than us, while this is probably not going to come into play now, I really need to look out for them at this point.


Afterwards, the camera shows back at camp as everyone but David and Tracy are there. Andrew is talking about stuff in Hong Kong again and Simon can be seen visibly annoyed.

I might have gave up being mad of Andrew for voting out Carlos, still he annoy me. All day, he talks about stuff that he wants to talk about, and compare Hong Kong to United States just to draw attention from other people, blah blah blah.... and it is really annoying as hell, I still want him out as soon as possible, I can't stand him, at all.


Simon:(cutting in) Jeez, can you stop talking about this?

Andrew:(turns to him) What?

Simon: Can you please stop talking about all your Hong Kong <expletive>? It is annoying that you are talking about the same thing all the time!

Andrew: What?

Ashley: Simon, calm down man!

Simon: I am perfectly calm! I didn't even blow out in the first place, but stop only talking about what you want!

Simon storms off.

Andrew :Jeez...

Jacalyn: It's ok, he is just being an annoying person, don't need to worry about him.

Andrew: eah...

Honestly, the rivalry between me and Simon is getting heated. At first, I believe we wanted each other out, and now he is jerking and being annoying on me, and I don't know what is next at this point, I just hope this won't come in play at merge.


Andrew's face is shown before it is moved to Luna arriving Exile Island.

Luna:(smiling) And here I am I guess.

We lost the challenge, and I go sent here, (laughs). Honestly, at this point my tribe is kinda at the bottom, or I mean, morale low. Like in terms of tribe strength, Christine and I aren't really good at challenges, and we aren't as strong as the other tribe is, and more worse, I cant cheer then up as or some reason, people likes me, and I seriously hope they can hold it without me.


Luna walks towards the urn.

Luna: Let me see... 'Safety measures need to be taken to ensure a rock solid position in the game. Lurking in the shadows is the idol that secures your flame.' Ok... so this is an idol clue. Rock solid, probably in a rock.... shadows... a shadow in a rock?

Luna walks towards the inner part of Exile Island as she reads the clue while she focuses on big rocks, and she can be seen digging under the rocks.

At this point on the game, I figured I need to do some moves and stuff with my alliance, and I probably need the idol, to secure my alliance's strength at merge, and I am going to need it, at this point of the game, merge is the key point of the game, and I still need to learn about the dynamics, but whatever the dynamics is, I have to do the best for my alliance.


Luna can be seen searching and digging through the shadows of the rock she sees, but she can't find anything. After a while, the sun goes down and she gives up.

Luna:(smiling) Well... worth a shot.

Luna goes to the Exile shelter and go to sleep.

Day 22[]

The camera shows the castaways walking in the challenge arena.

Jeff Probst: We will now bring in Luna, returning from Exile Island.

Luna walks in as she hugs her tribe mates.

Jeff Probst: You guys ready for today's immunity challenge?

Castaways: Yes!

Jeff Probst goes on to explain the challenge.

Jeff Probst:Vantaa, you are one member up, sitting someone out, whose it gonna be?

Ashley: I am.

Jeff Probst: Ashley sitting out for Vantaa, for the rest of you, wait for my signal, lets get started.

Platform Holders Shooter Sit-Outs
Christine Orr
John Mccarthy
Kevin Small
Luna Gibbs
Chris Cotton
Andrew Ng
Jacalyn Salas
Simon Paul
Tracy Morrow
David Lynn
Ashley Smith

Jeff Probst: This is for immunity, survivors ready? Go!

Both tribes members immediately heads on, while holding the rope at the assigned area, both tribes can be seen struggling right off the bat, because everyone's height is different, at Vantaa, we can see the platform fell down at Andrew's side due to him grabbing the rope too low, while at Kuopio, the other tribe seems to struggle also, as Christine held the rope too low and the ball rolled down at her side. Both tribes seem to struggle as different people caused the ball fall down and they struggle for the first few tries. After, we can see Kevin directing the others to try and hold their corner of the platform at the same height, and we cam see slowly they are beginning to make it fluently towards the first part, as they are inching their way towards the stair portion, we can see the ball slowly rolls to the front, as Kevin and John holds a little rope up to prevent it from rolling down and they arrived the stair portion, while the Vantaa tribe is struggling as Andrew can't keep up the height, so Jacalyn taught him to bring the rope up, as the Vantaa tribe decide to place the platform on the ground and slowly pull it up, practicing to balance the ball, and the tribe successfully balanced the ball as the tribe slowly walks out, while the Kuopio tribe is attempting the stair portion, which is proof to be hard, due to the heights of people changed, causing the ball to roll to the back, they stop and discuss until John suggests the people walking in front will have to lower the platform to allow the ball reach the same raye, and we can see John and Luna lower the platform when they stepped on a stair to keep the platform straight, while the Vantaa tribe arrived the stair portion, and they decide to do the same, but they struggle to do so, and Andrew caused the ball to roll off the ground at the first time, and they have to try again while half kneeling down, the Kuopio tribe seems to get the hang of it, and they walked up the stairs, and arrived the wooden fence portion, Christine and John seems to know what way is the best way, and when they had to face a platform, they rose the platform high up at the same time and successfully went through a few fences, but we can see the ball slowly rolled to the edge and fell, but they hurried back to try again, the Vantaa tribe also slowly walked up the stairs and hurried to try the fence part wile Kuopio are giving it a second tribe, despite their speed is still slow, they managed to go through the fence this time, and they learned how to adjust when the ball fell, and they arrived towards the end of the fence course, while the Vantaa tribe is half way through the fence course, and we can see they enter the final course which is going through some narrow poles, which they had to squeeze through, but they went through it without problem. For Vantaa, they also went through the fence course and attempt the pole course, but Andrew caused the ball to drop again and they had to try it again, causing Simon to get frustrated, while they try again, Chris got the ball and started to knock down the poles, it took the Vantaa tribe a few tries but they arrived the end and David took the ball and start to knock poles, but Chris already knocked 2. David's aim and speed was much faster than Chris, and immediately, he knocked 2 and Chris knocked only 1, Chris threw a ball again and he missed but David knocked another pole off, making the poles 3-3. David and Chris both knocked off another pole at the same time, making 1 pole left to knock for both tribes, we can see they both run back and threw the ball, we can see a pole getting knocked down, and a ball missed the pole.

Jeff Probst: Chris knocked over the last pole! Kuopio wins immunity!

Chris screams as he runs over his tribe mantes, Christine can be seen visibly happy, and the entire tribe jump up an down, the camera shifts to the Vantaa tribe, Simon is frustrated, Andrew is disappointed, Ashley shakes her head. The camera shows the castaways standing in front of Jeff Probst again.

Jeff Probst: Kuopio, come on up and take the idol.

Chris takes the idol from Jeff Probst.

Jeff Probst: Kuopio, congratulations, you won immunity, safe from Tribal Council. (turns to Vantaa) Vantaa, I will see you at Tribal Council tonight, where someone will be the eighth person out of this game, I will see you tonight.

Both tribes leave, the camera shows the Vantaa tribe.

Ashley: This sucks....

Jacalyn: Yeah, first time going to Tribal Council...

We lost the immunity challenge today, so we need to go to Tribal Council tonight. What sucks is that, this is the first time this tribe goes to Tribal Council, the only time we lost a member is when Polly got evacuated, and tonight, we can settle the differences and stuff tonight, everything is going to get solved tonight.


Andrew: Sucks we need to go tonight.

Simon: Well.... some differences are going to be settled tonight right? Someone is finally going home.

Andrew: oh my god, just stop it.

Tracy: Hey, someone is going home, nothing is wrong with that.

Andrew shakes his head a bit, and we get to see the meeting of David, Simon and Tracy.

Simon: Andrew tonight right? No buts or ifs, that fool needs to go.

Tracy: I agree, actually, we have already been talking about this for years, now is the time where we actually go and solve it.

David: Hell yeah! As long as we can make merge, then cool! I am up for that! How are we going to solve this though? Currently, it is like 3-3 for alliances.

Simon: I don't know, I have to talk to Jacalyn a while later.

David: Ok, as long as we can merge, we can ally Christine and you guys, and we are awesome!

Tonight, there is a bit of a loyalty test, like tonight you got me, Simon and Traxcy in an alliance, Andrew, Jacalyn and Ashley in another one, and it will be a tie, so what will break the tie? by seeing which alliance is more loyal to, and currently, I am loyal to this alliance, and I am gonna grab Christine, and we will have to plan this, we will have to.


Simon nods and the camera shows Andrew, Ashley and Jacalyn.

Andrew:.We all know that the vote is Simon right? He has always been annoying, especially yesterday.

Ashley: I agree, we are just going to that direction, right Jacalyn?

Jacalyn: Well...

Today we lost the challenge, while Andrew and Ash wants Simon out, but then, we tried to get David and Tracy to turn against her for a lot of times, it doesn't work, in order to break this mess, we need a new plan.


Jacalyn: Honestly guys, I am thinking we should vote David out tonight.

Andrew: What?

Ashley: Well, er...

And, when we were discussing the vote, out of the blue, Jacalyn said we should vote for David tonight, and I don't know, that definitely shows how strategic she is, and honestly speaking, I am fine as long as no one from my alliance is going.


Andrew: But why? Why him?

Jacalyn: Look, if we vote Simon out, David is close with Christine, so now I am thinking, David will bring Christine away judging how spine-less she is, and we can only get Chris at merge and it will be us 4 against them 6 at merge, and we will be in the minorty and we might get Pagonged righr?

Ashley: Now that you say it... yeah.

Jacalyn: But currently Christine doesn't know what is going on at this tribe right?

Andrew: Well.... no she doesn'.

Jacalyn: Then instead risking on David, if we get him out, Christine will join us with Chris and we got 5 of us, and we can at least force a tie!

Andrew: Can't we convince David to stick with us?

Ashley: Speaking in a fair tone, we have been asking David to flip ever since the swap but he turned us down every time ...

Jacalyn: Yeah, if we want to break this mess of tie, we should change our target.

Andrew: Well...

All a sudden, Jacalyn wants David out, and this is insane! Simon wants me out ever since Carlos got voted off, and yet we are keeping him? This is dumb and insane! He is just going to go after me until the end of the time, and you still keep him? Not good.


Andrew: We can talk to them first I guess.... but who will be the actual target? If they vote for a different person, we can vote out whoever we want.

Jacalyn: Here is the thing, they won't trust you when you say it to them, so they won't be dumb enough to throw the votes away, probably they will wait till there is a tie before they flip, so basically, lying at this way won't work.

Andrew: I- I just don't like how we are actually sparing Simon when he wants me out.

Ashley: Honestly, I understand that Andrew, but I will list my opinion, David isn't gonna flip anytime soon, we are going to go to rocks at this rate.

Jacalyn:(nods) Yup, I agree. While I am willing to go to rocks and risk it, however if possible, I would still like to avoid drawing rocks.

Andrew: You 2 want to do it?

Ashley: Honestly, if that can avoid rocks...

Andrew:(sighing) Then we will do it, I guess.

The alliance meeting turned out into a huge shock, instead of voting out Simon, all a sudden, we are voting out David out of the blue! I personally don't think Simon and Tracy will flip, like seriously? But well, if they want to take a different route, I will take it, it sucks, but I am forced to.


Andrew: How are we going to get Simon and Tracy to flip?

Jacalyn: You will have to talk to them.

Andrew:(surprised) Me?

Jacalyn: Yeah, they want you out, if you, which was the target walk to them, there will be a higher chance they will trust us.

Andrew: Alrighty, wish me luck...

Andrew walks along the river, which he bumps into Tracy, and he grabs her into talk.

Andrew: A long time ago, you did reach me to work together right?

Tracy: Yeah.

Andrew: Ok, both of us know that it won't well, really work out, but there is some change of plans going on in our alliance today.

Tracy:(getting interested) Really? Go on.

Andrew: Well, er... tonight we are voting David, not you or Simon.

Tracy:(widening her eyes) Really?

Andrew: Yeah, I don't want to talk about the reason, but like, if you think this is a trap to cause you to vote the vote, well- fell free to vote for whoever you want at the first round.... and, well, change the vote at the revote I guess?

Tracy:(nods) Ok, thanks for leaking me info.

Tracy leaves.

The time Andrew told me all this is perfect timing, and I do mean extremely perfect, honestly this thought has came up into my mind for well, quite a while. And honestly, I pretty much lost his trust after the raid, and I am not willing to risk rocks on someone I don't trust, looks like I might need to speak to Simon about this, then again, if he is not willing to do so, I am fine with the original plan of Andrew.


Tracy walks towards Simon.

Tracy: Look man, there is a change of plans...

Tracy goes on and explains what Andrew told her.

Simon:(a bit emotional) What the-Tracy, you actually believe what that fool told you? Like all a sudden you left us?

Tracy: No, I-

Simon:(still emotional) You voted out Carlos too, and you were never with me right?

Tracy: No! Listen! I was actually thinking this before Andrew approached me, like I don't know if I can trust David as him and Christine are the swing votes at merge, and I don't want him to lave us, so I suggest we should take him out first, plus, with the alliances being tied 3-3, there are possibility of rocks, but if we go for David, we can directly avoid rocks!

Simon: Seriously? You are going to listen to that idiot?

What in the world is Tracy thinking? All a sudden, she wants to spare that fool and actually vote out David, our ally here, which is dumb by voting out one of ourselves!


Tracy: I told you, I considered this before he even asked me, like our alliance have me, you, John, Kevin and Luna, Christine and David are backups, if we successfully take one of those three out, we rock, but if you or me are rocked out, we will only have four solid members, and then, since Christine is allied at Chris as you said, then if David joins Chris and Christine to join them, we can get in the minority!

Simon: Are you being serious? Why should I do that all a sudden and stick with Andrew? We don't get along, and we will never work well together! Mixing oil and water never works! He was also targeting me before, why should I trust him!

Tracy: Look man, lets forget that Andrew told me this. Now, we know that the other alliance is voting for David right? David will vote Andrew, so we are deciding who to vote, and yes I am willing to draw rocks if it comes down to it. I believe David is a better choice now that I am thinking it, because we can avoid drawing rocks and to risk losing a loyal member of Vantaa, also he is a huge physical threat too.

Simon: Fine! I will consider it!

Tracy: Just realize what is the best of us.

And I decided I am going for David, because if we vote Andrew, it will be a 3-3 tie, then at rocks, me and Simon are vulnerable, and I don't want to risk losing one of us, plus, David is this guy who likes to have fun, but I am not sure if he is just hiding a game bot, so that is why I decided on the vote. But Simon doesn't like it, as he thinks that Andrew needs to go for a good reason. While I can actually single-handily vote out David whether he likes it or not, but I don't want to lose his trust, so if he don't want to do it, I will still risk a tie, and see if we can convince Jacalyn to flip at the re-vote, I am going to force a tie if it is needed, hopefully I can just convince Simon to vote David out for good.


The camera shows Vantaa entering Tribal Council.

Jeff Probst: Alright guys, grab a torch and dip it in the fire, in this area, fire represents life.

Everyone dips their torch in the fire.

Jeff Probst: Ashley, tell me, this is the first time this tribe came to Tribal Council, how does it feel?

Ashley: I hate it, I thought we can actually make our way through merge and win the last immunity challenge, but well, that happened.

Jeff Probst: Simon, do you agree about what Ashley just said?

Simon: Honestly, to an extent, I am glad we came here, because we can settle our alliance differences and powers.

Andrew frowns and stares at him, Jacalyn shrugs, David Smiles.

Jeff Probst: And what would the alliance be?

Tracy:(speaking in) Me, David and Simon are in an alliance, (points to the other three) those three are in one.

Jeff Probst: Woah, Jacalyn, then the alliances are a tie.

Jacalyn: Yeah, tonight might end up in a rock draw.

Simon and Tracy nods.

David: Not if you flip.

Jeff Probst: David, you tried to get Jacalyn to flip?

David:(nodding) Ever since Polly is med-evac, we are trying to get her to flip, I will out it right here, our target is Andrew, who isn't even at her alliance to begin with, she probably has a lot of allies at merge, so I don't understand why she is that defensive.

Jeff Probst: Andrew, you just heard that you are a target, and someone is opening campaigning to vote against you. how does it feel to you?

Andrew:(frowning) Sad, but I am not surprised, my name already came up three times in a row anyway.

Jeff Probst: Jacalyn, do you have any responds to David's campaign?

Jacalyn:(smiling) As I said, I would think about it.

Simon rolls his eyes.

Jeff Probst: Ashley, then what factors when you choose a target for the vote tonight?

Ashley: Someone that is wishy-washy and can potentially win the game by riding under the radar... or not?

Jacalyn glances at David, Simon rolls his eyes, grumpy.

Jeff Probst: Simon, you look grumpy.

Simon: They probably want me out anyway, just like the moment we came into this tribe, so of course I am grumpy when I heard my name come up.

Jacalyn shakes her head.

Jeff Probst: With that, it is time to vote, David, you're up.

David walks up, when he walks to the voting booth, Jacalyn can be seen whispering something to Simon, which Simon rolls his eyes ahd shrugs.

Love you boy, wish you luck.

–David, voting for Andrew

Andrew walks up, not shown.

Tracy walks up, not shown.

Ashley walks up, not shown.

Jacalyn walks up.

You, are trying to play low-profile and to be the swing vote? Sorry boy, we saw through that, and good luck to you.

–Jacalyn, voting for David

Simon grumpily walks up and he can be seen writing down a name and he heads back with a smile.

Jeff Probst: I will tally up the votes.

Jeff Probst leaves and returns with the urn.

Jeff Probst: If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.

No one stands.

Jeff Probst: I will read the votes.

First vote: Andrew (1)

Andrew sighs and nods.

Second vote: David (1-1)

David raises his eyebrows, can't believe that he just got voted.

Third vote: Andrew (2-1)

Fourth vote: David (2-2)

Jacalyn signs, knowing Simon and Tracy still voted for Andrew, Andrew glances the vote in worry, David shrugs as he is also worried.

Fifth vote: Andrew (3-2)

Sixth vote; David (3-3)

Jeff Probst: We have a tie.

Both alliances nod and accept the votes are tied.

Jeff Probst: We are going to have a re-vote, this is how the re-vote will work, Andrew and David will not be voting, Ashley, Jacalyn, Simon and Tracy will vote between the two of you, if we are tied again, we will have to draw rocks.

David: Hold on, can I make my campaign Jeff?

Jeff Probst: Ok, sure.

David: Look, Jacalyn, Ashley, I know we were never allied in this game, however I just would like to say, if you stay with us, we can let you join our alliance at merge, and I am promising all of you a final six right here with Christine, if you ally with him, he has no power, he can't promise you anything, but I can.

Andrew stares at David in disbelief, Ashley and Jacalyn don't show emotion.

Andrew: Ok, I will say something too, what I want to say is that er..., (turns to the both of you) we were in different alliances, and... I don't expect you guys to ally with us at merge, but he is the real snake, he allied with Christine, and... he will be the swing votes with her at merge, also, if you don't flip, you will draw rocks and just evaluate what happens if you are rocked out, my last sentence, swing votes can be dangerous.

Simon and Tracy show no emotion too, David shakes his head, smiling, Andrew is worried, Ashley can be seen whispering to Jacalyn, as long as Simon is whispering to Tracy.

Jeff Probst: With that, it is time to re-vote, Simon, you're up.

Simon walks up, not shown.

Tracy walks up, not shown.

Ashley walks up, not shown,

Jacalyn walks up, not shown.

Jeff Probst: I will tally up the re-votes.

Jeff Probst leaves and returns with urn.

Jeff Probst: I will read the votes.

First vote: David (1)

David nods, glancing at Jacalyn.

Second vote: David (2)

David frowns, staring at Simon and Tracy in disbelief.

Jeff Probst: Third vote, and the seventh person voted out of Survivor:Finland...... David. David, that is 3, that is enough, I need you to bring me your torch.

David stands up, shaking his head in a bit of fury, and he places his torch in front of Jeff Probst.

Jeff Probst: David, the tribe has spoken. (snuffs torch) It is yime for you to go.

David: See you later boys!

David leaves Tribal Council.

Jeff Probst: From what I see, tonight is definitely a blindside to him, and that proofs how the game is, grab your stuff, head back to camp, good night.

The rest of Vantaa leaves as Simon can be seen a little bit pissed off.

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 7:
First Vote Revote
(Andrew and David ineligible to vote)
David Lynn
David (3 votes)
Andrew NgAshley SmithJacalyn Salas
Andrew, Ashley, Jacalyn
David Lynn
David (4 votes)
Ashley SmithJacalyn SalasSimon PaulTracy Morrow
Ashley, Jacalyn, Simon, Tracy
Andrew Ng
Andrew (3 votes)
David LynnSimon PaulTracy Morrow
David, Simon, Tracy
Andrew Ng
Andrew (0 votes)
11th place (2)
David Lynn

Voting Confessionals (Unaired)[]

First Vote[]

Looks like it is either you or me tonight man.

–Andrew, voting for David

Thanks to Simon, we are voting you for now.

–Tracy, voting for Andrew

You are kinda a sneaky man David, love you, and I still remember the birthday party.

–Ashley, voting for David

Gah, here is the final decision, if it is a tie, then looks like I am forced to spear you, hope you go!

–Simon, voting for Andrew

Second Vote[]

I can't believe I am doing this...

–Simon, voting for David

We discussed this before Tribal, and I don't trust you also, I need to dodge the rocks, you are not worth me drawing rocks.

–Tracy, voting for David

Lets hope this isn't deadlocked.

–Ashley, voting for David

Here it goes, lets hope they will flip their votes, because I am not doing it.

–Jacalyn, voting for David

Final Words[]

(chuckling) What the heck just happened man! I have no idea what just happened at all, like this is totally out of the blue! Anyway, I played my game! And I am leaving now! Sallute!


Still In The Running...[]

Ashley Smith
Chris Cotton
Christine Orr
11th place (2)
Jacalyn Salas
John Mccarthy
14th place (2)
13th place (2)
17th place (2)
Andrew Ng
15th place (2)
18th place (2)
12th place (2)
Kevin Small
Luna Gibbs
16th place (2)
Simon Paul
Tracy Morrow

Next Time On Survivor...[]

Two tribes merge.

'Drop your buffs! You have merged!'

Causing more scrambling.

'Join us.'

And also cause serious game play.

'Lets make a move.'


Author Notes[]

This episode's title is said by Simon Paul referring to him unwilling to vote with Andrew Ng
