Survivor Fanon Wiki
"Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained"
S19E02 Hidden Immunity Idol
An immunity idol may come in handy for an unsuspecting person...
Season Survivor: Vieques
Episode Number 2/15
Date Uploaded February 8, 2012
Episode Chronology
Previous Welcome to Vieques
Next An Imperfect Storm

Survivor: Vieques[]

This is episode 2 of Survivor: Vieques.

This episode is titled "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained."

This episode chronicles Days 4-6.


Reward Challenge[]

This reward challenge occurs on Day Five. With only one winner, each tribe must compete to win fishing gear, complete with a fishing spear, nets, fishing poles, lures, hooks, and bait. For this challenge, each tribe must solve a puzzle, which will give them a key to unlock a chest that contains four coconuts. With the coconuts, each tribe must throw them into a small hoop until all four are in the basket. A player is assigned to retrieve the coconuts that don't go in. Once they have all four coconuts in the basket, the weight will cause a pully system that will release an axe. To win the challenge, your tribe must be the first to chop the rope that drops your tribe's flag.

Winner: Yaureibo

Immunity Challenge

This immunity challenge, held on Day Six is designed to test each tribes strengths. For this challenge, each tribe must designate one member to dig in a pit of sand to find their tribe's colored box. If they find a different tribe's box, they can either rebury it, or toss it to a member around the pit. The area around the pit (the attack zone) will have two members of each tribe waiting to get their respective boxes. If you see another tribe has your box, you must become physical and retrieve it. Once a tribe member has carried their box outside of the attack zone, you open the box and complete a puzzle. First tribe to complete the puzzle wins immunity.

Winners: Cacimar & Yaureibo

Notes: This challenge almost did not get a winner. Each tribe unburied a different tribes box and threw them into the attack zone, but no members made the first move, and all six castaways in the attack zone just waited for a while. When Probst threatened to end the challenge, all six made a move, and Bieque was the last tribe to get their box. After 2 hours of merely waiting, Cacimar and Yaureibo won the challenge, granting them immunity.

Day Four[]


Cacimar, down one member, feels as though they are a stronger tribe with more focus. They want to win now more than ever. Feeling like a new, stronger tribe, the Cacimar five go out to fish. Jason, who doesn't have experience catching fish, amanges to catch a few with the net, but other than that, there were no fish caught. But, those few are good enough to feed the five members for the day, and they are energized with the protein.

I've never gone this long without eating and it was really awesome when Jason caught those fish! It was so satisfying having some food in my system. I am so ready to get back up and play this game.


Andrew, Jessie, and Paul were once again feeling safer than ever with their three, now with the numbers advantage over the rest of the tribe.

This three we have is something I hope to carry through to at least the merge. Ya know, pending any potential tribe switches or some other twists, we can ride this thing pretty far.



Yaureibo woke up late on Day four, feeling accomplished. These feelings were short-lived however, as Suzanne was once again fed up with Malik when he accidentally dropped a log on her foot while tending the fire. Suzanne screamed at Malik, who, with extreme self control, managed to avoid regretting anything he would say. He manged to handle himself well as to not make himself look foolish. He merely apologized, and let her scream all she wanted. Suzanne, when she realized what she had done to her own reputation, apologized and blaimed it on the lack of food. She tried to lighten the mood by offering to go fishing for a chance at some protein, and Malik, although regretfully, accepted the offer. The two went fishing, and whilst at sea, they talked strategy. Malik asked Suzanne is she would be interested in joining a secret alliance, where they would tell eachother should their respective names go onto the chopping block. Suzanne, thrilled at the idea, delightfully accepted. The two also vowed to not fight anymore. Without fish, they returned to camp.

So, the unexpected alliance of the century was just formed. I did it because nobody would ever see it coming. I think this will help me in the long run, having somebody to watch my back for me. Of course, I won't tell her anything unless it helps me advance. If I can get into a better alliance, see ya Suzie. But until then, she's with me.

–Malik, (On his newly formed secret alliance with Suzanne)


Bieque, a seemingly dominant tribe, was held together by the hard work of all six. They were a cohesive unit. And on top of that, their idol had already been found by Evie and Mackenzie, who assured each other that they wouldn't tell anybody.

Me and Evie are in a power position, and nobody knows it. This is ideal for us two because we have to trust eachother. Nobody else will know, and we'll be safe for a long time. Oh man this is so exciting!


With Mackenzie and Evie clearly in an alliance, the others look at them in a different way. Connor is telling Cynthia that should tribal occur, one of them must go because a tight two like that is always dangerous. Cynthia agrees, stating that she doesn't want to be the odd girl out.

Devan and Eugene are once again getting close as tribemates, forcing Connor to feel even more alone.

The way I see it, is Devan and Eugene are close, Mackenzie and Evie are close as a twosome, and that leaves myself, and Cynthia as a close two by necessity. So these next couple days should be interesting.


Day Five[]


Coming home from the loss was demoralizing. They were determined to win, and it didn't happen. But, they tried to think ahead. They were ready to take on the immunity challenge the next day, and they were determined to win. All Cacimar was thinking about was going into the immunity challenge with a positive, clear mind. And to do that, they needed food in their system.

I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but how are we supposed to win when we have no food in our system. We need food today.


So, they set out for a fishing trip. They ended up catching a good amount of fish using a small net and sharpened sticks that they used as spears. They had a good amount of fish and were ready for the immunity challenge the next day.


Bieque also lost the reward, and were not totally upset. They already believed they could catch fish, as long as they all go out and work harder. Not worried or demoralized at all, the three men decide to try to catch fish anyway. Whilst out there, Cythnia realizes that she is first out if thye go to tribal. There are two separate alliances in which she needs to get in with. She was not sure what to do. So she approached Mackenzie to merely talk. As they talk, Mackenzie accidentally lets it slip that her and Evelyn have the hidden immunity idol. Cynthia, completely taken aback, was wary of what she should do with the information. She could keep it a secret and go with the woman, or tell the guys, flush the idol, and go with the men. She was unsure of what to do, and despite Mackenzie's best assurances, Cynthia did not make any committments to the girls.

I can't believe I accidentally told her about the idol. That was so stupid. I let my guard down, man this sucks. I hope she comes to her senses and becomes my ally.


I'm not sure what it is I should do with this information. I'm in a good spot though, so I can get far in this game, depending on what I can do with this. So many things to think about.



Yaureibo came home from their first reward win, and they were pumped. Clearly believing themselves to be serious contenders, they began letting their egos fly. Although, Cameron noticed it, and tried to calm the tribe, Autumn and Jonny were excited. They continued to say that they wouldn't lose. This bothered Cameron, but he made sure to bite his tongue, not wanting to upset the tribe.

Meanwhile, Suzanne and Malik were trying to get a third member of their alliance, and disagreed on who it should be. Malik claimed that Cassie was trustworthy, and is a good challenge performer, and would be perfect. Suzanne, however, disagreed, saying that Cameron would be a better choice, because he is the leader and could pull strings if necessary. They continued to weigh their options throughout the rest of the day.

I am not sure as to whether we could trust Cassie more, or Cameron. They both have ups and downs. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Day Six[]

Refer to Immunity Challenge for Results and Info.


Yaureibo won immunity and it was driving their egos. They were extremely satisfied with being the last tribe to retain all six original members. While they were celebrating, they decided to rebuild their camp, because it would not hold in a storm. They decided to add support to the structure and try to make it more sturdy.

This new structure should help us stay dry and more comfortable. We have twice the bamboo and twice the amount of roof.



Cacimar, also coming off of an immunity win, won't have to go to tribal. They rest easy knowing that they'll remain five strong, and will not have to face Jeff. Although camp life was easy, Andrew wanted to look for the idol, but by the time they got back from the immunity challenge, it was too dark.

I'm going to for the idol look first thing tomorrow, because it's too late tonight. I know nobody has it, and I want it. So, I'll get it, haha hopefully!



Bieque lost the immunity challenge, and inevitably was forced to venture to tribal council that night. Upon returning to camp, the guys wanted to target Mackenzie. She was apparently untrustworthy, and Eugene expressed interest in voting her out more than the others. Of course, they were on board, but he wanted her gone. Although, he did manage to keep his feelings mainly under wraps. So they figured they needed to get one more for majority. And Cynthia noticed this. She knew they would ask her, and she had made up her mind. She was going to go with the men, but she had to be sure. She waited to hear from Mackenzie and Evelyn, but she didn't. They were sure that they were safe. Of course, after they spotted Cynthia talking to the guys, they began to rethink their safety within the game.

Okay, I'm in a great position. I'm going to side with the guys and we're going to flush the idol. They're worried it might be used, so we're splitting the votes. We got this. Hopefully we get through this easy.


On the way to tribal, Evie heard Eugene and Devan considering voting for Mackenzie, and Evie brought the idol to give to Mackenzie to surprise the guys.

The idol is going to Kenz, and we're going to vote out Connor. This is funny. They think they have it all figured out! Next time they shouldn't talk so loudly!


Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 2: Bieque






Connor headshot


Evelyn headshotMackenzie headshot

Evelyn, Mackenzie

Connor headshot


Mackenzie headshot


Evelyn headshot


Eugene headshotCynthia headshot

Eugene, Cynthia

Evelyn headshot


Eugene headshotCynthia headshotDevan headshot

Eugene, Cynthia, Devan

Mackenzie headshot

Mackenzie (Used HII)

Devan headshotConnor headshot

Devan, Connor


Evelyn headshot


Voting Confessionals[]

Mackenzie, Eugene wants you gone. I think you're valuable. Hey whatcha gonna do.


It's you or Kenz. Take your pick. You shoulda came to me. I always say "nothing ventured, nothing gained." Too late now.


Eugene wants this one. Hopefully Cynthia's wrong about you having the idol.


I want you're right hand gone, but it's only because she seems like a liar. I hope this goes as planned.


Connor, I hope this is a deciding vote.


Not sure what is gonna happen, but I got an idol to play.


(Revote) Voting Confessionals[]


Evie, you shoulda played the idol yourself.


Kenzie, you lucked out tonight. Sorry Ev, it's gotta be you.


DAMN! I knew she was untrustworthy.


Thanks Evie, I'll miss ya.


Final Words[]

Man, I wanted to win. Gimme another shot! Haha, well, I had fun. Mackenzie, I hope you go far. This damned hidden immunity idol screwed me over. Very unfortunate. See ya Survivor!


Still in the Running[]

Andrew headshot
Barbara BWheadshot
Colleen headshot
Jason headshot
Jessie headshot
Paul headshot
Autumn headshot
Cameron headshot
Cassie headshot
Jonny Kealoha
Malik headshot
Suzanne headshot
Connor headshot
Cynthia headshot
Devan headshot
Eugene headshot
Evelyn BWheadshot
Mackenzie headshot

Next Time on Survivor...[]

A huge storm takes out one tribes camp entirely, and blindside is in the air when a castaway plots to break away from their alliance.
